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Spot shows you places to go, things to do, and people to meet - all in your area.

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Discover Places to Go

Uncover the best local fitness spots with ratings, photos, and directions to make getting active easier.

Get Active with Things to Do

Instantly begin exploring spots and activities around you.

Get Active

Instantly begin exploring spots and activities around you.

Build Social Support

Connect with fitness friends based on common interests and activities. Access the larger Spot community directly within the app!

Places To Go

Spot new places

around your area!

Things To Do

Spot games, events,

& other activities based

on your interest!

People To Meet

Spot like minded

people who reinforce

your active lifestyle!

Places To Go

Spot new places

around your area!

Things To Do

Spot games, events,

& other activities based

on your interest!

People To Meet

Spot like minded

people who reinforce

your active lifestyle!

Get Spot. Get Active.

Founded by a team of passionate innovators, Spot was born during the COVID-19 crisis, with the specific goal of solving a long- standing challenge: if we all know we need to be more active, why can’t we succeed? Because we can't all do it alone.

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